Leadership of the Melodeers Chorus

Member-Powered Leadership

Sweet Adelines International empowers and nurtures its members to become leaders within their choruses and through. The Melodeers Chorus Management Team, Directors Resource Staff and Music Team as well as other key teams are essentional to the success of our chorus and provided members with volunteer-based opportunities for personal growth and development at the local, regional and internatinal level.


Renee Porzel, Director

RenĂ©e Porzel is an internationally recognized teacher and coach, constantly in demand for her expertise in the area of showmanship. 
She is highly respected for her ability to inspire and motivate others.

Chorus Management Team

The Melodeers Management Team provides strategic guidance in support of Chorus governance, business and operational functions.

Directors Resource Staff and Music Team

These two teams play essential roles in bringing the Director's musical and creative vision to life in all aspects of chorus life.



Copyright © 2025 Melodeers Chorus